RE:Ellis Martin Report: Western Copper and Gold Thanks Marine.
Clearly they're extending, I don't know why they're going to drag this announcement out 3 more weeks. Just announce, take whatever selling comes at us, and move forward. Look at what's been revealed the last two interviews:
1. They've been sitting on assay results for months now! You have to believe if this was a Filo-type hole they wouldve announced soon as they got even partial results. This suggests more of the same: low(er historical) grade, bulk tonnage.
2. The first of two met reports is finalized, finito, done. WHY HOLD IT???
3. All in the midst of Rio's copper group being double booked trying to get TRQ finalized.
We could potentially have 1 set of results and/or one of the metallurgy reports out in the market, trying to increase our market cap, potentially forcing Rio's hand against extending this arrangement out another year. They haven't done so. Clearly intentional.
I'm open to any suggestions except Rio didn't allow us to release them. Per the agreement all the information is ours, solely. We're in full control of the asset, Rio is just an 8% holder with certain rights attached.
And good Lord is Ellis a weird dude. WTF was that line at 8:25?