RE:Preservation of the next resistance level?MOZ, also AKA, the Salmon stock, always swimming against the current. Why? For a stock to take a 78% drop, with billions of value in the ground is not NATURAL. Fluff stocks with nothing but marketing, do that. Again, why? The final FS is the catalyst that will bring forth a buyout. Matt is about to show all with the companies pants down. If one looks at the timelines of the past couple of months its certainly baffling. MOZ takes a huge hit in price, MOZ finally recieves the Federal permitts, and before the stock has anytime to rise, Matt and BOD disclose,(prior to the "NEW FS...the one that the costs will actually determin the economics of the project"), that they are going forward with the project. BUT; with inflation and their crystal balls for inflation, deflation, and the actual final FS, unleash a doo doo storm on investors and theorize the future unknowns of cost over runs. You can't make this stuff up!
Moz's stock price goes from an all time high, to a full retracement???? Really?? Really!! Here is the continued timeline that MOZ's leader and BOD is on. They are planning to release the final FS during the tax loss selling(majority of investors are carrying losses on MOZ), and or the Holidays which by early December the computers or interest has waned due to the balancing of the books of brokerages. When decisions are so bad that they can't be seen as logical, maybe they are accidentally on purpose? I would say to Matt, "wake up", but I think he is very much awake...sadly! A buyout is most welcomed at this time. I'm sure Matt and the BOD will continue with such decisions. A dentist, that would pull out, every last tooth of their patient certainly doesn't have the wisdom to be such. jmo glta