If Bitcoin does not follow the Nasdaq then it should ?Btocin should be uselss if it vears off track from the Nasdaq.It has folled it for so long.Bitcoin and the Nasaq both hots new lows a few days ago.Seems to me every person in the world wants to short it now.I will say that if they short it to 10,000 to 11,000 then most miners go out of buisness.Then most the morons like rich dad poor dad and the banks can mine their own bitcoin.If creed has taken over and they keep saying the US dollar is toast they are hyocritical to say the least.Two tongued liars but thats what the Anericans are all about.Follow their own rules and charts and lie to every body else.Rich dad poor dad made money off selling 36 million books.To me this guy does not make any sense at all.Short bitcoin more and then he says he likes it.Morals are obviously not in him con artist is all he is.What good odes it do with no miners.Maybe he can buy a whole pile of machines and put them in his house with the rest of the shorters.Will bitcoin follow the Nasdaq is the questionif it is up to America it is no.Then they ctry about forming a alternative to the US dollar.THet will never change just a bunch of hpocrites thieves to be honest.They enjoy scaring people ever day that have invested in miners.Psycotics to say the least.Yse 5 different accounts come in packs like a bunch of Wolves.THey all want to buy the miners but there will be none lett to buy soon.Hypocrites show up 10 times a day now they are coming in packs.Up to the Americans if they bank rup the miners.They will most likely do it because they never formed them .