If you all knew the truth..well..Good afternoon folks,
The latest from the voice of truth..provide by them. the global voice we now know as news same story coast to coast...please smile..it must be true..OMG..even our local radio and news prints are the same..shocking.
Inflation will be under controlled by second quarter in 2023 falling to an estimated 3% to 4%
Interest rates will continue to rise to maybe 5 % Fed units until the pause..
housing market is in decline..now that is very reall
The equity market will continue to rise into Christmas ..they will make that happen
FTX.. well that deep dark story will never be told ..in truth. Regardless few would ever believe ..time proven from decades if not centuries of ..THEY... just make this stuff up. Pounds to dollars to millions to billions and now we are in the land of trillions..but ...drum roll ...only a few could share the illusion of derivatives and off book accounting..Oh but we all have these remarkable unworldly rights to services and jobs and everyone is equal and ..it is just marvelous and the new world order will take care of you PROMISE..forever.
Now you all have the time and fundamental common sense to KNOW this is going to end ..the very real and cruel truth is...
could continue ..but we all will soon see and walk into the very real truth..
I have shared the insight to real climate change. well get ..ready..and understand this too has been well documented and foot printed..
To you ..Canadians.. take the time to ..really look back and discover ..the time line
How many oil refiners there were in 1960 in Canada in all provinces and how many there are this evening What you will find will .either be..this cannot be real ..or you just have not found the truth.
Point..folks ..the truth is all there..but the reality of facts..and why?
I will share this with Fernand....You have lived in the very real times..In Quebec..MONTREAL EAST..refineries were how many ?? and please share the oil companies names and even buy out names until there were not one..
Exception ..Quebec city.. refinery on the St. Lawrence river ..i think .please smile ..and the marvel of Canadian politics..
What does this have to do with ABI stock rice ..everything..it is all in the blend of the future..