The truth will win the day .ochi Te Informa Gelogo - RD
Nov 18
Ing. Jose Ogando acusa al senador Felix Bautista de usar tema de explotacin minera con fines reeleccionista ya que esta muy desgastado polticamente
Jochi Informs You Geologist - RD @JochiTeInforma · Nov 18 Ing. Jose Ogando accuses Senator Felix Bautista of using the issue of mining for re-election purposes since he is very worn out politically Norverto Gonzalez C.
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Esperamos que al final se imponga el raciocinio en la clase poltica que pretende entorpecer una vez ms posibles fuentes de desarrollo para SJ. Es irracional imponerse a la realizacin de estudio cientfico EN PLENO SIGLO XX
Norverto Gonzlez C. @NorvertoC · Replying to @ViktorBautista We hope that in the end reasoning will prevail in the political class that intends to hinder once again possible sources of development for SJ. It is irrational to impose oneself on carrying out a scientific study IN THE HEART OF THE XXI CENTURY.