Misinformation breeds attacksLuis Santana Pereyra @LuisSantanaPer2 · Replying to @SusanGautreau and @GQCMining ...to face attacks, insults and infamy of all kinds coming from political actors who, abusing their investiture, agitate and threaten the authorities because they understand it is convenient for them to stop and hinder the progress of the project for inexplicable and irrational purposes.
Luis Santana Pereyra
Replying to
@SusanaGautreau and @GQCMining
...hacer frente a ataques, injurias e infamia de toda laya proveniente de actores polticos que abusando de su investidura agitan y amenazan a las autoridades porque entienden les es conveniente detener y entorpecer el avance del proyecto con fines inexplicables e irracionales.