RE:RE:66.1% of our shareholders ...
My Pain ! actually, I invest, it's more of "this is sure taking a long time". Of course no one knows the market direction of any stock until a specific event denoting VALUE is triggered. A pp is a fund raiser that when spent has to have produced VALUE. So in each fund raiser of BTR there has always been value. Fruit spending hours of research and typeing on a stock he don't own, along with Tsosexy24 try to convince us that our MILLION OUNCES of M & I are less dignified than other countries. Now we have hit Windfall grades on a trend not far from Windfall, there are those who want to tell us "that's not true, it's only good when it's our drill core". Well good luck with that one folks. We had never been drilling as deep as Windfall, now we are taking it a bit deeper it seems. Wexford and all the insiders understand how this stock price is being manipulated, by whom and why. That is so obvious, but the peek-a-boo approach got old and we are in a "forget a bout it " stage. MAP has his assignment, he is finding the gold and gunna pour some gold bars. Why do posters here always come back to roost ? .. Certainly seems like a bout of shareless poster addicts keep coming back for a fix. Good grief ..Fruit won't even proof out my easy math question, anyone else care to help me. I get 94,000 ounces a year. Somehow good math only applies to other peoples stocks..But for sure insiders are buying more, that means their associates are buying more, the 333g/t is a great number. We will obviously be looking for great numbers on the infill program MAP has advised us of. End of the day yes we need gold and investment money wants a ROI .. its a git r done approach at this point. Sidebet will be buying more, heystupid has given me the nod ..hahaha....