February 27, 2013 - Val-d'Or, Quebec, Canada: Metanor Resources Inc. ('Metanor') (TSX-V: MTO) is pleased to announce that it recently poured a new record  917 oz. gold bar at its 100% owned Bachelor Mill. The ore comes from the very promising Bachelor underground gold mine.

Ghislain Morin, President and CEO stated that “This gold bar is now the largest weekly bar in the history of the company thus far, and represents a significant milestone in the company's progress over the last years. We recognize and thank our underground miners for their efforts and hard work which has enabled the company to accelerate the development and ramp up of the project. The increase in quantity of gold is not only because of the mill capacity increase but also the better grade control (less dilution) with now more work areas (stopes) being mined. We are very pleased with the continued performance of the mill since the beginning of its commissioning, the recoveries of 96-98% are exceptional and our mill team is doing a great job of monitoring the process of slowly increasing the mill’s capacity to its full potential.”