RE:RE:RE:Vaccine PlatformFrom Paul Craig Roberts
The fourth disastrous event is the Covid deception. 2022 is the year when it became completely clear that the Western medical establishment, media, and politicians lied through their teeth about the dangers of Covid and the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA “vaccines.” Thanks to independent medical scientists, who stood their ground despite being censored, discredited, and punished, we know for certain that the Covid “vaccines” are neither safe nor effective. Moreover, the Pfizer internal documents forced into release by federal court order show conclusively that Pfizer knew the “vaccine” was deadly. As Pfizer shared the documents with its marketing agent, the US Food and Drug administration, the FDA also knew, yet gave approval to the Emergency Use Authorization of the mRNA “vaccines.” As Professor Michel Chossudovsky has pointed out, the failure by Pfizer and the FDA to recall the “vaccines” based on Pfizer’s own internal study is mass murder. At this point, very little is being done to hold Pfizer and the FDA accountable for murdering millions of people.
Almost all who died from Covid died from lack of treatment. The medical protocols imposed prevented doctors from treating the virus with two known cures–HCQ and Ivermectin. Some doctors in independent practice refused to follow the imposed protocols and saved thousands of lives. In other parts of the world–Brazil, India, Africa–use of Ivermectin both as cure and preventative essentially eliminated Covid as a health threat. But in the “scientific” Western world, the cures were obstructed by official medical authorities. The Lancet, formerly a respected British medical journal, today a marketing shill for Big Pharma, denounced Brazil’s use of HCQ and Ivermectin as “an anti-scientific decision” and accused “a populist government” of “undermining science.”
There is no longer any doubt. Following the vaccination campaign, excess deaths rose dramatically, and the excess deaths are among the vaccinated. Still nothing is being done to help the millions of people whose health has been adversely impacted by the mRNA “vaccines.”
The orchestrated “pandemic” is a massive crime against humanity. There has been no accountability and no help for the injured, which leaves the “pandemic” with the smell of organized genocide. If so, we have reached the point where crimes against humanity is the official policy of the West.
How does a civilization recover when morality has been stripped of authority? What has happened to us that Pfizer’s profits are elevated above life and public health, that executive branch mandates can override the US Constitution and the judgments of doctors and patients, that official narratives can be enforced by censorship? Clearly, the foundation of our society is rotten and our civilization is collapsing.
2b7f6fab wrote: Always appreciated reading your comments but to suggest "the relatively high efficacy rates of the mRNA vaccines," makes me wonder. These mRNA vaccines have butchered millions already. Even the head of the WHO is quoted as saying these vaccines are being used to murder children. Just no idea where you are coming from with the idea these vaccines are efficatious.
CancerSlayer wrote:
enriquesuave wrote: If successful, the vaccine platform could be a game changer for both Covid-19 and any other potential viral threat. One must realize that it took like months before mRNA tech comes up with a vaccine targeting only one Antigen. With a PDT platform, vaccine could be produced in days and would be a whole virus vaccine where every viral antigen would be targeted upon vaccination. The fastest go to platform for vaccines. Just wanted to share a thought. All IMHO
Considering the already crowded market of injectable vaccines & the relatively high efficacy rates of the mRNA vaccines, there remains a great opportunity to explore the intranasal/inhalation route in order to better stimulate/boost one's mucosal immunity. Depending on the formulation (i.e. dry powder vs liquid), using the inhaled or intranasal route may also require a significantly smaller volume of vaccine, which would make it more cost-effective & hence accessible to a larger number of patients. I also strongly believe in the potential of this tech to not only prevent moderate/serious Covid illness, but also to treat existing infection/illness via the same inhaled route. The potential to treat other viruses only adds to its value. Can't wait to see this develop...could potentially match (or even outperform) its oncological potential. Good luck...