martindale wrote: schocor wrote: Goldy is the ONLY reason I post on here; you are welcome for the insight but as soon as he quits pumping hot air into this stock I quite tellign the readers of teh board teh issues with Storm.
GOldy, as a reminder, yesterday yuo were asing if the SHARE COUNT WENT DOWN IF OPTIONS EXPIRED WORTHLESS. Folks, I am not making that up, just review yesterdays postings.
You dont have to takle advice from me,. but PLEASE do not take it from someone who doesnt understand the basics of finacen and markets. Sadly, he understadns even less about mining, exploration, or processing. A windbag.
Do yuo own research. My view is Storm is unmineable at toldays copper price and will remain a stranded deposit for a generation or two.
You talk about credibility? How in the world is anyone supposed to take your illiterate idiocracy seriously? You spout numbers from out of thin air, make up facts and do your own credibility a complete disservice, let me put it in your language, ” Yuo clam to be a professional in finacen and want others to takle yuo seriously yet anyone rading anything yuo wrtie can clearly see you don’t even no how to type let alone use spell check...”. These are just some of what anyone going through your posts can verify..
Perhaps if you could actually come out with a string of coherent sentences someone somewhere might take you seriously, in all honesty it isn’t me, I think your an IDJUT. Sorry not sorry, when you can’t even admit when your wrong or own up to the many erroneous statements you have made and continue to intentionally try to mislead anyone who can plainly see that there is $ billions in PMs on the island how am I or anyone else supposed to think you don’t have a grudge, You just recently referred to Bay as an underfunded garbage stock.... not saying they don’t need money but how does that make what they have garbage?
You state they won’t ever mine this in our lifetimes or our grandchildren’s. Do you find your crystal ball is accurate? Most every post you make is as inept as your numbers which have been proven to be nothing but mistakes.. stick to the ponies you might have better luck. At least Goldy can own up to his mistakes, I’m not sure you are man enough to do the same.. heck you event state your only reason to post is to Harass another poster how does that make you credible? Stock house should ban you just for that!
So in closing thanks for your bullshit but we don’t need it.. bye for now...