hwxAs you know I am big on waterflood.HWX seeing the results of tve has said they believe that they have the same rock as tve and are starting a waterflood in the top of west martin hills.What is new in their recent presentation is they are going to do a new pilot in the middle of west martin hills where they have been getting great results.Takeaway hwx is bullish on their waterflood potential.When we first bought exploration land the presentation showed a diagram outlining the edges of greater peavine potential for clearwater,Lot of land ,lot of players.Recent diagram shows the sweet spot in green for clearwater potential.Needless to see all our land purchases fall within the sweetspot and the same for tve.Lastly.Company annouced a credit line for 100 mil with no immediate plans.This is with us having over a 100 mil in the bank and no debt.Clearly they have somthing planned and time will tell.