Abstracts and presentations There are rules for abstracts and presentation. It's not as one wants!
The upcoming presentation should have the same type of data than the Ph. 1b data:
By the way, late abstract deadline for the AUA April 29 congress is Feb. 13.
For the June 2-6 ASCO conference, that Feb. 12:
June 2-6, 2023 • McCormick Place • Chicago, IL & Online
Abstract Submission
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The 2023 Annual Meeting is now accepting abstract submissions until February 14. View the Call for Abstracts booklet for detailed information on submitting an abstract including submission categories, guidelines, and policies.
For our Feb. ASCO one, that Dec. 13:
The ASCO late-breaking data policy allows for the submission of late-breaking data only for:
- Randomized phase II and III trials for which no preliminary data are available at the time of the abstract submission deadline (October 11, 2022);
- Original research studies that highlight novel and high-impact research with practice-changing implications
The initial abstract must be submitted by the October 11, 2022 deadline in a placeholder (shell) abstract submission. During submission, you will be required to enter all authors, the Background and Methods sections, and provide the primary clinical endpoint for analysis, type of analysis, date of planned analysis, and planned statistical methods.
The policy is not a mechanism to allow for updated data to be submitted later when preliminary data are available by the abstract submission deadline. Additionally, late-breaking submissions cannot be a revision of an abstract submitted during the regular submission process.