RE:RE:RE:RE:interesting at $13+ NOBODY was Whiningmarlinbait wrote: Well, nice try. Again, you are the one who is clueless, factless, basher, etc....
Before I go to sleep, can you remind me for the 2000th time how the stock has
gone from 13 to 5 ? I cant live without your constant reminders. Like a crow who
cant shut up cawing, please remind all of us of your wisdom.
Oh, you are so great.
No friends or purpose in life other to tell us day and night it went from 13 to 5 ?
You think we cant read and need your help ? Lol, goodnight.
the nightmares you have...... YOU created NOT ME
you are at the stage of Grief regarding your Long&Wrong position with NFG as YOU blame me for highlighting THE REALITY NFG created NOT ME
$13.50 to $5 = REALITY