OversoldClearly, WDO got way ahead of itself in terms of shareprice. Have to lay the blame on management for pizz poor communications. Had there been more transparent news about supply chain issues that were leading to extended problems the share price would not have risen so high, so soon. It is no surprise Duncan is gone but the IR department should be gone, as well.
When the news breaks that WDO is behind schedule the floor drops out and the big dump is laid on those that were led to get their news from the chat boards, not from the company that knew the truth.
Where does that leave WDO? Oversold... The potential is still stunning. So now the shareprice has done the same as the past few years, but in reverse. WDO swung too high and now has swung too low. The real value is somewhere in between, with the huge upside potential still intact.
If you sell now I would bet that in one year you will be severely disappointed.