RE:Technical report 2013 Trapped, I picture you walking around town aimlessly with that 10 year old technical report in your purse trying to convince people over the last decade that there is billions worth of copper in this remote island near the North Pole. Why hasnt the project advanced in the last decade? Surely something has stopped this from advancing. If this was an economic deposit, why hasnt Aston been able to raise funds on its own to move the project forward? The last tranche of the financing in april 2022 was a meager $60,000.00. Why is the rest of the investing world missing this world class opportunity? Why did Goldigina abandon his attempt to do a bought deal financing that he was promoting right here on stockhouse? Why is the stock trading at all time lows? To be honest, pimping a technical report that is 10 yrs old is actually quite embarassing. But guess if that is your last straw, you might as well grasp on to it with two hands and dont let go. Gracias. Tik tok. Grinnn. TGIF. Cheers mate. Yup.