RE:BT reminderI have a somewhat different perspective 859. The way I see it, 11 years ago ie just before the C series misadventure, LTD was $4.7B and net debt was $1.3B. Back then, they could have spun out a debt free BT to shareholders (eg shares of Alstom?), Downsview to shareholders (eg shares of ?? pick your real estate trust), Aerostructures to shareholders (eg shares of Spirit) and training to shareholders (eg shares of CAE) back then. Ie $5-8B in 2012 dollars (ie $10-15B today). Instead they chose to invest in C series which basically ended up costing them/us all those valuable assets. Plus, it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park to get back to where they were financial wise 11 years ago - a lot of work by a lot of people to get the company out of this debt nightmare - a US company would have gone Chapter 11 many moons ago, perhaps more than once. 12 years or so ago - whenever C series project was fully launched - they took the wrong fork in the road with disastrous financial results. This time, they took the correct one but a fork they wouldn't have had to take had they not taken the wrong fork in the first place. Most bad decisions we can recover from easily by "failing fast" if we're not stubborn while others the consequences are so catastrophic that we never ever fully recover from them even with our best adrenaline driven survival instincts. C series was one of those. But lets move on shall we?