Tim Draper at Satoshi Roudtable mentioned in new Video Released today:
New InvestorIntel Video
The roundtable meeting was discussed. The interviewer says a lot of InvestorIntel's base is convservative and want to know.... CONSERVATIVE? I dont want conservatives! I want people that have a backbone. Billionaires that can throw us a bone rather than give to charity. I want people to say, hey, this market cap is not that far off the book value of their investments. Oh, gee, look. If I buy now, I can get in cheaper than all those guys that pariticpated in the private placement.
At least we are getting videos now. I should be happy, but my investment in Tim Horton's China is running. The CEO of stock I V F H was basically fired, the stock is up over 100% on that news. So, there are people that invest outside of the conservative bubble. I think we need to talk to an investor base that has a little guts. Just a little. If you look down below, your fall is only .004 - a fraction of a penny frmo the ground. That's like falling off of a floor. How do you fall off a floor and how do you get hurt? You do by putting in your entire life savings, but do conservatives think of investments as all or nothing? Or do they just invest the way they vote? Which would be against themselves.
So frustrating. But, I can wait. Over 8 million shares. When I profit a few thousand percent, I don't want to hear any whining. This is why I don't do charity. When I see billionaires give to charity, and they don't put a dime here, I think to myself that I will never help anybody. Never! There must be a reason behind their charity, and it's obviously not charity as the reason.
We need to announced a good CFO. And we need to get that Nivaura mystery software up and running ASAP, we need to show clients, and we need to get MOVE FASTER than this!