Nivaura is bought -- Good Eye CashFlow!That totally flew under my radar, CashFlow. Thanks for that heads up! I wonder what this means for our investment/partnership. We made two or three investments in Nivaura, so we should be paid as well. That was one of the good investments on the books.
NowCM Buys Nivaura "
While Nivaura was not a blockchain company, it provided a workflow solution for bond issuance in a DLT-ready solution, enabling tokenization independent of any particular blockchain technology. At the time, Nivaura’s CEO Scott Eaton, said, “Industry consolidation is a necessary step to bringing automation to capital markets and NowCM is a great partner to take our technology forward to the next level.”
This NR worthy! Why do we have the worst marketers on the planet that aren't jumping on this?