Rehgarding value of one more year..etc billb343
ill coment directly on your personal Cancer opinion.
first, your option to have & regarding health, & longevity to each his own.
My qualifier.
Every single relative from my moms side. Including aunts, cousins & my grandparents ALL
All died of cancer. With the ecception of one aunt who died of very old age.
My grandparents died in their 40s. Bone cancer. Various aunts, breast cancer.
cousin( s), lung, brain & other cancers. My mom. Lung, bone & lymphoma.
My point?
I know first hand about cancers death, pain & suffering.
im also familiar with treatment " cycles" , alongside long delays waiting to know by scans, iF the treatment is doing anything or not.
My one relative was given 6-9 months. Lived over 2 years.
Much of that time was in treatments, waiting for results & an individual hell only the victim can understand.
However some of that time included a large family gathering at a Caribbean resort.
I only went for him. We had a great talk & dinner together.
How much is 9 months of life worth?
That question can only be answered by the individual at time of diagnosis.
It is easy to say, you just want to get it over with..
Trust me. Until you are the one sitting in the chair getting the news, You can only guess.
Afterall, within the additional time. Other treatments may come along.
The point of the Pela/ mbc treatment is that they are near double of the best on the market.
People are paying big $$$ for the existing standard of care.
If Pela can provide double the survivability, then THAT would become the new standard of care.
AND PELA HAS MINIMAL Side effects....similar to the flu.
Regarding Pfizer, Roche, Incyte. We have no idea what their thoughts are.
Certainly we know they have not jumped in YET,
citing the Recent Matt interview. He is upbeat of the potential results being presented this coming June 2-6th. a test. Please ask 4-5 middle age woman their opinion.
No treatment xxx months... treatment add on a year.What would they decide.
One great answer I got. " depends on side effects"...
Pela as we know very well is safe & well tolerated.
Not toxic like many chemo options today.