GQC is not very liquidI have been adding for a couple of weeks to my position.GQC has very little shares trading on a daily basis.This is good as any whiff of the permit being ready to be issued will be swamped with buy orders as the in situ gold trades at less than $10 per oz,GQC should do a unpdated FS to reflect the current price of gold adding $800 per oz to $2000 from the FS at only $1200.The price of gold has increased much much faster than the current inflasion rate of 6% making Romero as one of the worlds highest profit mines.That $800 per oz increase falls right to the bottom line and a motive for Luis to issue the permit to collect the 40% of mine profits that are groosly under stated in the FS.
I see a stampede of Gold funds buying into GQC on granting of the permit that I think could be very near.We shall see.In the mean time I will keep adding on low volume days.