RE:RE:RE:So Simple Sam Should Understand Actually it is quite the opposite TDMAN. You hit absolutely nothing, and you keep hitting absolutely nothing. Therein lies the problem. You have never contributed any note worthy information of significance applicable to YFI or the industry it is in. When questioned you retreat into a defense of repeating well worn generalized business expressions that even a window washer would be familiar with. And what do your toys capacity to pay your groceries have to do with YFI?
Now before you jump on your favorite bandwagon of the requirements of YFI to exhibit positive revenue growth during this current phase of its development let`s first take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember when you first became an investor by purchasing free trading YFI shares? Do you recall when you additionally told us that you participated in a YFI private placement financing? If you do, can you recall first demanding the same prerequisites on the financials as you do now? Lol
Sorry, DandyMan, you might get away with bullsh-tting some toops, but that is where it ends. So go ahead and come up with any retort that is convenient for your narrative including any appraisal you may have of me. You have never hit the mark before, so why should we expect anything different.