Giving Up the See-Sawrusty77 and fishcarrier, don't worry about yesterday or today according to Dan Payne, an analyst with National Bank and an analyst with a ranking of 4 today set a current ranking tor See-Saw Energy or Yo-Yo Energy (otherwise known as Crescent Point Energy) at $18.00. Obviously we're going to have to wait at least until tomorrow, next week, next month, 4th quarter or somewhat longer before we see that. I've been and still am on this See-Saw and still playing with that Yo-Yo for a good number of years. If that See-Saw can get me up to Dan's $18.00 I'm going to give my seat up to the next kid witng in line. If I can master "walking the dog" with my Yo-Yo up to the $18.00 mark I'm giving up my Yo-Yo to the first kid that I see. I've been see-sawed and yo-yo-ed for too many years and I'll take the first swing available in that playground. Let's hope that the supply of crude diminishes due to the lack of oil field development over the last few years while we were see-sawing and the price of crude can climb closer to the $100 mark. Let's also hope Brystra and the Board can continue with the NCIB for the remainder of year prior to the new share buyback tax coming into effect in 2024 and that they also strongly continue paying down debt. The capital gain and increased dividends shoud then start growing. That's my story and I'm sticking to it...........have a great day.