Potential for porphyry Cu-Mo with associated Ag-Au is indicated along the SW contact
of Jean stock. This is in keeping with conventional wisdom dating back to the mid-
( wango - where ? )
( west of course. - volcanics )
Potential for stockwork molybdenum deposits, and or, Mo-W skarn deposits may exist in
the southwest rim of the C-Anomaly halo.
( again - south west )
Dyke occurrences in Holes No. 1 and 3 are about equally
abundant-about 10 dykes per hole. Hole No. 2 has about 20 dyke-occurrences.
Intrusive encountered in Hole No. 4 was generally Jean quartz monzodiorite.
The rocks are extensively altered and include the formation of clinochlore, a red variety
of chlorite. Clinochlore was identified by Jim McLeod at Tech-Cominco Global
Discovery Lab using x-ray diffraction (Report No.V08-0591 R, APPENDIX E). Other
alteration minerals, or effects, include green chlorite, bleaching, vein-calcite, dolomite,
epidote and emerald-green sericite. Each drill hole contains chalcedony, a characteristic
of epithermal gold environments (Taylor, 1996).
( wango )
I've read the report - 2nd time round.
what i feel could be happening is... a reversal process.
Several times they mention - quartz intruded the volcanics.
Yet... why not... Volcanics ( intruded ) the quartz ?
There's the - cliochlore - keep in mind - this is the red, and brown,
mineralization they ( assume is clinochlore ) it's not fully understood.
One person labelled it--- the rest followed suit.
Later in the report - there's a petrographic study...
It's here once again - the petrographer doesn't know what it - is.
I've read other reports since - on molybdenum/ molybedenite.
It can swap out into silicates - with ease.
Form crystals... and turns - blue, green, red, brown, black.
Chalcedony - is a blue mineralization.
Again... another colored mineral with a fancy name...
But never the - root - mineral - mentioned.
It is my beleif - gem stone colors are - minerals in solid solution.
silicate mineralized gems.
The Jean property is underlain by Upper Triassic Jean stock and coeval Takla volcanics.
The age of the stock is unknown, but assumed to be Upper Triassic/Lower Jurassic. The
interpretations of the K/Ar dates of 136 Ma (biotite) and 131 Ma (hornblende) on Jean
granodiorite, in Garnett, 1978, are equivocal.
The zoned Jean pluton is 11 km long by 3 km wide; is elongate west-northwesterly. The
central phase is quartz monzodiorite and the border phase is diorite. Contact fault, a pre-
mineral structure, trends west-northwest and dips variously 25 to 80° SW. It forms the
apparent southwest contact of the stock.
This faulting brings Upper Triassic volcanics of
the Takla Group into contact with the core of the stock. The truncation of Jean stock by
Contact fault has been the source of much speculation. Has normal faulting taken place?
Did a graben develop in conjunction with the adjoining Centre Creek fault?
Was a truncated portion of Jean stock displaced by strike-slip beyond the confines of the present
intrusion, thereby making the volcanics presently in contact with the intrusion exotic?
Continued deep testing within the C-Anomaly may shed light on this structural problem
with an ultimate solution being the intersection of the missing down-throw acid core of
the stock.
( wango ) now they reverse the idea....
faulting brings Talka volcanics into contact with - core of hte stock.
In my minds eye...
Older quartz stock work...
Fault occurs...
Hot volcanics intrude the quartz.
Hot fluids - alter the minerals - many colors are formed.
Moly - changes into - blacks, greens, blues, reds....
and is labelled many other names.
Labs... unable to detect an altered - moly silicate.
And my question is - why is there never any - sulphur or
chlorite, silicate / silica in any lab report - - especially when
a moly can easily trnsfer into a glass silica - and no aluminum
or silica is found near - only a moly silica... ahhhh !
The presence of molybdate moieties in regions of these glasses
enriched in network modifiers helps explain why crystalline
molybdates can nucleate easily in silicate glasses
(and, by extension, in the corresponding melts).
( wango ) nucleate " into " silicate glasses .
Into.... that means... not a quartz derivative.
Rather... outside of silicates, suggesting all else - volcanics
would fit the bill - if applied to the - Jean - claims. wink.
Known deposits on the property cluster along Contact fault, straddling that structure to
form sub-horizontal tabular deposits of epigenetic mineralization hosted by the volcanics
and the stock.
Well-mineralized dykes, variously of monzonitic, and felsic in composition, are
occasionally encountered in the mineralized zones on Jean. The monzonitic association is
suggestive of an alkaline-porphyry affinity
( wango ) there are numerous faulting lines immediate west of
the main - fault - that enter to - main fault.
But... never factored.
It's always the main fault - that has seen all the - most - of attention.
or... what seems as... main fault caused the dykes.
Versus - other nearby faults - all westerly...
attached to the - main fault.
Volcanic rocks appear to have undergone
thermal metamorphism as indicated by toughness and ring-to-hammer blows, if fresh to
weakly altered.
Petrographic work by Dr. Ian A. Peterson in 1976 and 1980 indicated a thermal
metamorphic grade of hornblende-hornfels facies after Takla volcanics for several
kilometres along the southwest contact of Jean stock.
This metamorphic grade is unchanged westward from the stock,
as well to a depth of 154 m, the greatest depth in a diamond drill hole
studied by Paterson. Pyroxene hornfels facies is not found in the
volcanics next to the intrusion, suggesting the contact is a fault.
( wango ) Hornblend, Pyroxene, Hornfels - are known for - Molybdenite.
these are known from the - west.
Yet... when one comes close to the contact fault...
no presence of these - pyroxenes, hornfleds, hornblendes.
Uh.... perhaps the west pyroxene, hornblend, hornfleds,
could be the answer - as to where the - moly comes from ?
The northern portion of C-Anomaly has potential for hosting the southwest extension of
the C-Zone, a Cu-Mo porphyry deposit. Based on the maximum southwest extent of
known deposits located along Contact fault, it would be reasonable to expect the C-Zone
to extend about 200 to 250 m beyond the contact of the stock
( wango ) where ? west of main fault contact.
What's westerly ? Outcrops of volcanics.
Pyroxenes, Hornfelds, Horneblends.
Search online for - Moly - in this type of blend.
Sum it up ?
either the brecciated quartz stock came in from elsewhere.
either the quartz is indigenous - east of fault.
either the moly resides in the - quartz and volcanics alter it.
or.... moly comes from the - west - volcanics, and intruded in the
quartz stock...
Only one way of fiding out....
pulling a few historical cores - if accessible.
pull all the -
reds, blues, greens, blacks, quartz, pyrite, garnets.
test each individually for - moly.
do not test all together....
Example - hand pick a - garnet - solubilize it...
test for - moly morph.
I wouldn't be surprized - if geos and miners...
missed this moly morph - over the years.
Based on numerous reports i've read...
lots has been missed ovder the years...
Not investment advicde.
Just doing what i usually do...
scope a project...
This project needs lots of polishing.
Too many juniors follow in the former footsteps.
Main focus always placed on - main fault.
They should mix it up a bit...
The project just might move forward.
And.... if the Norweigans or Chinese kick a few
dollars in - Silver
This project just might - see a CIM - updated resource.
lol - won't hold my breath.
Did i mention... the Chinese love hte - moly ?
Wink. ( tease )
Oh... i came across another article....
China is using the moly for a potential
chip and semi conductor - solution.
Instead of silicon. Interesting.
Here's the 2008 report -
Do note - the Author used his work place for
Lab work and petrographic studies - lol
near end of report - you'll see a few photos
of the - garnets, and pyroxenes....
and... the mention of - they just don't know.
Who did the Author work for ...?
Teck. ( i think i'll quite stocks now ) lol
Is this junior going to work this year ?
I don't even see a website..
Yet... lots of copper in the gorund.
I would say... with lots of moly....
but... better assaying is needed.
And/... i didn't even see what format of assaying was
used - in press releases. ( current drills )
And... will the junior load a map showing all the drills
with each intercept and grade...
That would speak volumes.
Would love to see those historical drills and intercepts.
Along with each grade of mineral.
Investors should have access to, this.