News from the LION Den I spoke with Hamish at HQ
• Like most of us here, he’s excited about how things are going.
• New PR guy on board named Roman
• Cannacord conference next week.
• Updates being worked on, (no specific dates yet.)
• CSAMT phase 2 has resumed
• 7 owned drill rigs, + one leased. Drills turning on different priorities.
• Something close to my heart, they’re working on updating the 3D program.
The subject of Lode names came up. I’ve known the 11+ UR lodes were named after the Upper Ridges and that they were amongst the first to be discovered and also the highest grades. With regards to the URW lodes, they mean UR west lodes. (not to be confused with the lodes at West Tuvatu)
What was surprising to me was that the recently found URA1 lode was named by the Fijian miners after Ura Creek findings, 2.5 km away; apparently intuition telling them they may be the one and the same
From a 2018 Junior Gold news release:
Ura Creek: mapping of extensions of at least 3 veins in the Ura vein system including continuations NE towards the principal gold bearing veins of the Tuvatu system giving a target strike length of 2.2 km.
From the miner's intuition to God’s laptop, eh?
Of course you don't want to hang your hat on speculation, but it's interesting, as are the possible ties between Ura Creek and Jomaki and from Jomaki back to Tuvatu.
Do some good DD on Lion One metals for your own good.
You listen to pandlode SillyTony at your own risk, though he is good for laffs.