Beautiful the Life of Argonaut Gold..Coming Up!Well...we are getting that much closer to commercial production at the Magino Mine...90-120 days from now...Wow!
Due to a warm winter they were able to mine ahead of schedule and build up an impressive stock the be sure!
I have accumulated a total of 75,000 shares in the 60's.
Talk about finally getting a break so to @ $2,000.00 US...that will "fix" a few things and pay a few bills...lovely!
Totally focussed on can bet that staff from their other operations are on site to assist in the start up...if you think they are not serious read the following.
"As part of the Company's effort to focus on prioritizing core assets, we have sold and optioned two non-core Mexican assets and revised mine plans of our three operating mines in Mexico to focus on free cash flow generation. As a result, we suspended mining activities at our El Castillo mine at the end of last year and we expect mining activities at San Agustin and La Colorada will temporarily pause by the end of this year, until land access and permits are received to complete mining of the remaining reserves and resources," stated Marc Leduc , Chief Operating Officer.
Magino is their future...and what a future...state of the art milling operation and an open pit with reserves and grade that are at the top of their field.
Do not get fooled by the share count of about 840 million...focus on the market is only about 550 million...for a producer that will bring in about 200,000 ounces of GEO this will get a rerate soon after they achieve commercial production sometime in September, 2023.
Exciting times lay ahead...the market action leading up to Friday is speaking out loudly...are you listening?
Great Opportunity for those that can take on risk...there is operational risk..but...that is why the stock is at $.65...the brave will be rewarded.
At $.40 there was a heck of a lot more risk...getting in now...we know so much more...a double from here is very much possible.
All the Best!
P.S. For those that follow me...I got into WDO...6,000 shares @ $6.25..
it is pushing $9.00 in, in February, 2023...nice opportunity
at that time. Argonaut will be a repeat of WDO.