Positive Earnings Next Quarter?This stock could show positive earnings next quarter. What happens then? Why?
* A lot of write downs are in the rear view mirror.
* China NBSK still settling in the $700 range. Profitable for Canfor Pulp if costs and production are coming in line.
* They should achieve premiums over China in other markets.
* They can't give containers away so no logistics issues.
* Lot's of announced SWD downtime. Slack in the rope if any heartbeat in demand returns.
Would love to be a fly on the wall in their two mills. If they have been running at or near production rates and full pedal shipping. Then they have a chance to start turning this around. Or at a minimum, wrapping it up and putting a big bow on it for somebody else. Tide is turning. I believe the worst is behind us holding this stock. Go Longs!!!