Target July for Oil to be extremely bullish..Had the market not been waiting for the FED Rate Hike decision Oil would be heading toward $80 with OPEC cuts however unless something drastically happens with Global Oil delivery Oil will likely bounce all over till we pass June 14th Rate decision which isn't far away and we can certainly assume that the FED will stumble through till then adding uncertainty which will affect all markets but if the FED comes out prior with a locked-in decision that will save the market from unnecessary pain but we're talking about the FED of clowns. I've been saying that July will be bullish and I figure that around then China should start showing a trend reversal and the first signs that China manufacturing has bottomed out building off of that then you'll see things really change for Oil and the US economy is stealth enough to carry us till then and if the FED hadn't started Rate Hikes with China coming out of a 3yr slumber Oil would be $150 plus we are seeing a real decline in shale and Oil Rigs which will add to the fuel by July tightening the market even further and Russia I have a feeling that their Oil and NG Infrastructure could be under attack and right now even Saudi isn't happy with them not wanting to play ball and lying about everything that comes out of Russia's mouth. I could sit here listing everything that I see coming to a boil in July for Oil to rally so don't be discouraged from now until July 14th everyone should be used to the FED taking to the 11th hour with any decisions and they can't predict what next week will bring let alone predict the future. Think Bullish!!