RE:Undermining Company Message - Let them do the PR Schocr. you sure have a Hate here for BAY,..i did show in slide the silver showen on right column. I also mentioned the Historic core having high grade silver, .I understand you know and have read this report as you quoted knowing in-side out.
Then refresh your self ,here from 2012, technical report,.13.5% Cu with 23 g/t Ag over 1.9 m in hole ST99- 56 (4100N Zone)..
This is where current drilling is happening,..
Unfortionately, for BAY, alot of the Historic silver grades have ben eliminated from releases Because not Verified..
There is alot of silver around , I think we are now going to see the Labs testing now for sil;ver, being a good by-product..
Schor, notice the 13.5 % cu,.along with the 23g / per tn silver..4100n,zone
Seal deposit,..3oz/per,tn silver,..AG
s Drill Hole ID From (m) To (m) Length (m) Zn (%) Ag (g/t) AB95-02 51.8 70.6 18.8 8.46 24.2 AB95-03 76.6 81 4.4 12.23 39.3 AB95-03 88 101.7 13.7 6.74 34 AB95-06 100 120.2 20.2 5.86 23.43 AB95-06 127.3 134.5 7.2 3.71 30.18 AB95-07 132 137 5 10.45 69.46 AB95-10 140 146 6 1.76 30.98 AB95-11 191 194 3 1.15 34.87 AB95-11 203 208 5 1.79 53.5