Storm Historic Silver 1997 Cominco: Sander Geophysics Ltd., on behalf of Cominco,
. Assay highlights included: 49.71% copper (Cu) with 17.1 ppm Ag over 0.6 m and 19.87% Cu over 1.1 m in hole ST97-02; 4.67% Cu over 4.8 m and 4.13% Cu over 1.4 m in hole ST97-03; and 14.62% Cu with 23.5 g/t Ag over 1.3 m and 4.41% Cu with 12.4 g/t Ag over 1.4 m in hole ST97-13 (Table 6). The present day copper zones at the Storm Showing were established: the 2200N, 2750N, 3500N, and 4100N zones (Cook and Moreton, 2009). Claims STORM 20- 89 were staked (Leigh, 1998
...PS,..Historic, but still there,.. BAY cannot PR these holes\ because they are Historic..
The side street"s, are up-set that BAY went Down under to Aussie land..
Last holes from news shows ag in all core. I guess BAY is now also having Labs check for AG.