In some ways, In some ways , I thnk this low ball will reap rewards for all CMMC shareholders.
Even though Hudbay and CMMC used ZETA , both knowing it's illegal, they conspired to depress the shareprice, Robbing existing shareholders of more gains than realized from the final demoninator. I know, Hudbay is also a depressed share price but whatever, they conspired with CIBC to depress the stock price, so we'd think it was fair...... They think we're stupid , when in fact, the low ball was a direct reflection of their stupidity...... BUT, all the CMMC management got a long term incentive plan and a short termi incentive plan..... choke on it, all those CMMC managers sold us out, SO glad to be done with thm, even though thy'll be Hudbay employee's. they'll get no respcet for this sale
Thanks for nothing Gil, your old news now