News from Forbes Gemmell about the Mexico issueI've contacted DSV's management today about the Mexico issue. Here's the answer, from Forbes Gemmell:
"Thanks for reaching out.
Our initial review of the new Mexico mining law (the full details of the law will be published when the law is formalized within the next six months) as well as discussions with the regulatory authorities indicated there should be NO major impact on our project timeline or economics from the new law. Importantly, there was no reference to a ban/restrictions on open pit mining … this is a positive as it finally removes this permitting uncertainty.
We are about to initiate the permitting process for Cordero. Our feedback from the regulatory authorities has been is that each project going through permitting will be reviewed based on its own merits with a particular focus on whether there is community support (our nearest community is the mining town of Parral which is very supportive of the project), any local indigenous populations that would be impacted (not applicable to us), whether there are any specific environmental sensitivities (flora, fauna, etc. - not applicable to us) and water (we have identified two sources of water one of which includes local water treatment plants). So we are well positioned in this regard.
Hope this helps and if you have any additional questions please let me know. Thanks.