QTR results last week of June Good or bad?Will there be a profit or more quarterly losses? Corus reducing the dividend and applying to debt was a very good move in my opiinion. If the debt is positive a reduction, would like to see the remaining dividend appled to share buybacks at this price. 25 million extra for dividend would reduce the share float at least another 10 million . A better payoff than giving a dividend and having a continual downward trend in share price. However, is that enough for debt control or does the dividend need to be cut all togethe then appled to debt. Corus is trying to get the debt to segment profict below 3 times. Are they moving in a positive direction or more negativity for the QTR. Corus will fly if they get their debt situation in control and reduced. Corus is a gamble as either goes bankrupt or flies to 5 and above going forward. The media space is very challenging at moment and just need to look at Bell on recent layoffs. Facebook etc., has taken a big chunk out of advertisement.