RE:RE:Busy past week for RHCI know that a lot of us have been waiting for what seems like a very long time for this enterprise to get up and start earning some revenue but don't get your horse reins tangled up here at this time. It's going to be a fairly long time "still" before they are actually making money and paying interest let alone the loans . They will likely need to go to the market again (possibly several times) to get into any meaningful production, the scale of the startup is still small but it is a begining. If they are able to continue they will have to have build extraction plants at all of their major sites and on a larger scale. That is going to require capital and possibly new partners to accomplish the growth. So don't get overly excited at this point and send your wife back to work so that you can buy more shares, there will be lots of opportunities to buy and add shares in this price range for a quite some time. This needs lots of time to develop, lots longer than planting a garden. Good luck to all who are riding this train as the journey continues. New chapters coming up.