RE:A very positive announcementI think they trying to push Sp higher, but most have sold cause they bought below .16, they really need it at a buck so they can issue more, the problem is to figure how high they go before diluting cause you don't want to be caught like the rat, look how bad he been rolled over, they have to issue cause need a lot of cash cause the burn rate is huge, unless government comes in with a munch of cash but I don't think they will ever let the rat go.... why would they? So sell but don't have patern a lot of pumpers on here but not real and a lot here are paid probably to bash company cause any competitor wants gone without buying out, but a lot more people are searching info on this company and most think now time to buy it n but volume is not rolling so selling as speculation stock, probably around .50 be top, if it happens it will be fast imo