New Poet Video and CommentsOne can see how far ahead Suresh thinks, Back in 2017, he was creating Poet's Interposer with AI in mind while working on other projects for its Interposer in parallel. In 2017 he said that AI was a nascent technology. With that direction is it really a surprise that co-founders David Lazovsky and Preet Virk started up Celestial AI to get in on the ground floor to build on this fantastic and lucrative opportunity? Poet cannot do everything alone; but they can partner. Why not partner with executives you already are familiar with? So one can appreciate and value the partnership between Poet and Celestial AI. Celestial AI is a private company, but look how much money they have raised. Who is Celestial AI going to spend a part of that money on? Well aren't they a partner with Poet? As Celestial AI's production sales grow rapidy, who will benefit as well? Poet,
Now from the past few years to the current time and now moving ahead, you can see how Poet has put together what they set out to do back in 2017. So no wonder, Poet decided to seize the AI opportunity as well. Have there been posts on financial chat board persistently and repeately inferring or even directly mentioning that Poet goes quiet on one vertical and then promotes next vertical to create the next so-called pump? --- Pure BS!
Suresh has always mentioned that Poet is working on its projects in parallel. Naysayers messaging seems to conflate different project timelines with different projects which is probably illusionary to that effect creating a negative impression that Poet keeps moving the goalposts. If particular goalposts ever needed to be adjusted, it would likely have been due to Covid for some projects or Poet needing to follow any changing needs and timelines of its customers anyway, jmo. With so much being under NDA and confidential, how would any outsider really know? Poet has updated any changes and achievement in many of its presentations, and I doubt that naysayers would be there to congratulate Poet on any projects that they were ahead on or on time. So therefore, might it seem more logical to be dismissive to armchair-quarterbacks on financial chat sites by persistent naysayers? In my opinion, does any gaslighting and stoking confusion help them trade this stock? So why are naysayers really on the financial chat sites in greater numbers than the supporters are doing what they seem to do? Pump gas?