RE:RE:Unemployed Zombie CompanyTex, Tex Tex...Your many observations about Agra convince me that ( whoever you are ), you are one of Casey's cronies. Here is the problem: The graveyard is not the end.... IT IS THE BEGINNING OF ETERNITY,..EITHER IN HEAVEN OR IN HELL Turning the lights out.....Flushing the toilet, etc..won't help. See Luke 12, especially verses 2 and 3..... See Ecclesiastes, especially chapter 12 verses 13 and 14. Well Tex, I have FAILED....WE ALL HAVE FAILED....NEVERTHELESS, THERE IS CERTAIN HOPE...IN JESUS CHRIST ALONE See Acts 4 verse 12....Sincerely, Paul Houweling,. J.O.Y. P.S. Ravi Zaharias is an awful example of what happens when we REJECT THE GRACE OF GOD. ( Google Matt Winger on Ravi Zacharias...You Tube Feb 15,2021. ) John Newton is someone who repented, and he is the author of my favorite song,... " AMAZING GRACE, HOW SWEET THE SOUND, ThAT SAVED A WRETCH LIKE ME ( most known song in the whole world )