RE:Hey Liney winey ding dongSo your not a trapped RAT?
And you believed 100% on your Dolly DD and told others I'm sure this will never go to the bottom?
then when you seen it cracking, you said to your self this is a sure thing ding a linga ling
Then when you got trapped on bottom you started to blame others?
And your DD, read this from company:HydraGEN Technology, which uses simple electrolysis to turn distilled water into hydrogen (H2)/oxygen (O2) gasses.
A simpleton who can't simply read. I could go on and on.
I have real day to day analysis of what is happening here and I still believe in this company but have gone neutral do to mostly outside company forces like interest and inflation and they need a ton of cash, so it's a 50/50 which way they going so neutral
not bashing mode as it drops from .30. Finally the air in Toronto May effect the way your thinking imo not fact but imo