RE:RE:Intelligent Qurestion...Has anyone figured out....All cardium operating pubic cardium to some aspect share the same risks and challenges.
Obe is most different as if commodity prices due trade in say a 65-70 wti enviro and 3 dollar aeco longer term....they have option comparing cardium to other plays like viking or prop for capital.
BNE ihas a rig going and it looks like YGR has rig moved to chambers and will be drilling again soon.
IPO i would assume must be getting a rig soon as well. OBE who knows.
One nice thing about investing capital on infasucture in Chambers/Ferrier area is in future other zones in that area that can be drilled...plants and compression will always be needed.
Peyto seems to be drilling wells in a few different zones and cardium looks to have best economics as other zones are way deeoer and more expensive well cost.
Bonavista is drilling really good glaunconite wells near YGR cheddarville stuff.
Bonavista been able to run two rigs no stop on it.
I think glaunconite and charlie lake have very profilic spots but they are extemly variable on wells results away from sweet spots. Monty advantage over the two is montny so constant. No operator misses on nortern alberta montny stuff.
I love monty stuff but I have stayed away from those stocks as monty premium that makes companies expensive. Where as with cardium market give a cardium discount. I should look at kelt again. THey are a heavy driller.