Volume Any ideas on how they can get volume up, it's really low, maybe drop the price until volume gets going, and if the get the CC bond for 10 million that be really go for stock long term, I'm still nervous about this stock and staying neutral to negative now only because it dropped thru the .22 floor, or better yet anyone see where this will bottom I'm thinking.12 maybe.08. Ow that AGM is over, it looks like that's why it bounced to .30, no one really buying at this lever if you do proper DD just the debt over the years I wouldn't want to be holding that cause need a lot to build product and possibly another version even though it's a simply process, I've always thought the money is in the Hydralitica system, that's big $'s if they get it right as no one has that. Let me know if anyone sees the bottom before it bounces again imo