Should you sell now? As a shareholder you get to decide at what price you want to sell and when to sell. Do not let short sellers rush you into making a decision against your interests by stirring your fear and anxiety. Short sellers are professional fear mongers who specialize in waterboarding like techniques to get you to capitulate.
Elon Musk and Jim Cramer gave us the gist of what is happening to shorted stocks. Use their expertise and insider knowledge to understand the similarities with what is happening to this stock.
Short selling is a fun game as per Jim Cramer.
“What is important in the hedge fund industry, is to not do anything remotely truthful because the truth is so against your view. Who cares about the fundamentals. It is just fiction, fiction and fiction." Jim Cramer
Search for Lance M. : "Jim Cramer explaining the basics of stock market manipulation "
Elon Musk called short sellers out and warned the public against their manipulations.
"It is frankly used against the public. It is vice disguised as virtue." Elon Musk.
Search: (Elon Musk Universe cha nnel: Why Elon Musk Hates Short Sellers | Short Sellers are Against The People)
Short sellers are trying every single trick in their books to shake people out of the stock so that they can cover the 20 million shares they shorted. Talk about selling the bear’s skin before killing it.