RE:Greece???The three engineers could be the ones stationed in Europe, and the PDAs are probabky mosf European since as you noted and supported by the financials, Europe has been doing better than North America.
The VP of sales was hired for that reason. Triebe et al are probably good enginers but do not have the skills to close sales, recognizing that with the higher natural gas price in Europe the two markwts are not the same.
It would be interesting to see the PDA mix between Europe and NA and see whether Harden is already deliverinf some tangable impact. Companies being multinational could somewhat make the picture murky for us, but TEI should have a clear picture which sales person is the acxount manager for a specific client and judge sales effecriveness to a certain extent rhat way.
Anyhow, with the value of PDAs significantly up, let's see how they unfold including growing their number, recognizing that not all sales come from PDAs.
Big year continues for Crossland to show he has made the right moves with hires as well as the IR service that is to increase the SP. A solid F on the SP so far IMO considering it is at the same level as at the AGM more than half a year ago. Hopefully it makes a doubling run by the time of the next AGM so he can reflect on successes of his moves...and have a better base to build on.