THE FIGHT FOR CRITICAL MINERALS / ENERGIES Does one play musical chairs - leap frog with critical deposits ?
They shouldn't.
Nor should another let go massive claims that have mega worth.
One shouldn't sell the data for petty cash.
Especially when a shareholder asked the junior to use the data
to calculate a resource which the ( other junior ) did first thing.
In other situations, juniors wanting assistence - carrying claims
they'll JV the assets to ensure a portion of shareholder value.
If Govt's are shaping the future towards the use of critical metals
and energies then... dishing out the cash to purchase such deposits
is the right thing to do.
Smart advisement would actually profit the Canadian Gov't.
Purchasing critical minerals drilled / measured while in ground
is far cheaper, easier than games and less messy minus the political
manouvers including all the additional policies that one can see right through.
Simply purchasing through Gov't pension funds or other avenues such as
higher taxes which i'm sure the fed has plently of now.
Purchasing key critical deposits such as Silica ( only a few - rare in Canada ) would
position Canada in very favorable odds with US's $40 billion Silicon Chip plant
in Arizona.
Same goes for, Magnesium and oil saltbrines which in my opinion
lithium is only a cover story vs the real story = hydrogen gas with nearby
infastructure already in place to distribute hydrogen all over North America.
In 2014 / 2015 the spent oil/gas/salt brine lands were fractioned and sold off.
As mentioned in former posts - most likely to divert clean up costs that
that were arbitrated for many years prior.
If larger companies sold these lands hoping to ( veer ) from the
reclamation costs then... was it right to recapture them back using the
political vantage during the height of covid while Alberta was under
distress - less oil pumping along with the preasure to phase out oil
with the carrot pitch of lithium, but never once mention hydrogen,
not until Canada not long after tried to secure gas contracts in, Europe ?
If it's critical energy i'm all for larger company control with goverence of Gov't .
Such ensures the safe supply of energy for the nation.
BUT... if assests were in the hands of a junior, such key assets should be purchased.
Fair price - based on what the assets can produce over xxx years.
Like i said in former posts ....
There's a difference between hydrocarbon energy ( natural deposits )
that do deplete.
There a difference of - adding co2 - downhole which would alter the chemistry
of the salt brines converting them to carbonate thus artificially converting
soluble salt oxides that are not carbonate and which are indifferent from
Various salt chlorides whether dissolved or suspended are indifferent
from hydocarbons. Thus, salt chlorides, fluroides, that are not carbonate
can produce green hydrogen.
A completely different process.
At present,
Our nation is seeking foreign investments from Europe.
Even as much as offering incentives to some companies to the
tune of over $14 billion.
Does this make sense ?
Or would $14 billion invested in silica metal plants and buying
silica ( deposits ) then hand shakes with our closest neighbor
USA with their silicon plant ?
Our greatest mgx assets appear to be quite popular.
So much so... others now have them.
Between the oddity of engineering ( firms ) writing reports that
suggest $100 million dollar plants or Politics that impede permitting,
can be looked at as, games that impede the junior from advancing.
Is it any wonder why so many valued mineral assets are not given
proper valuation since covid ?
It can point the compass to one plausable answer.
A shift has occurred.
Others want these assets, on the cheap.
My answer to this prevalent problem in the critical mineral space ?
You want it...?
Play fair.
Buy it.
Then Nationalize it or.., invite the stakeholders in, thereafter.
Again, minerals still in the ground ( in situ ) are all the cheaper.
Best time to buy it - prior to being mined.
Far better than the games, musical chairs, leap frogging - assets.
Not hard to fix.
Just a matter of putting the effort forth.
Think not bad of me.
I know as well as others...if the things that have happened to
us shareholders happened to a larger corporation, they fight
tooth claw and nail. Common shareholders are no different.
I've seen too many key assets literally given away by
other juniors i've invested in. Big ticket deposits.
Perhaps i'm tired of it...hence the will to fight for what is right.
I would like to belive there's still a few good people behind the scenes
thatl will rectify this for the shareholders.
I'll leave it at that.