My Banyans are hurting again!What's next? Should we excited or will it be disappointing? That is the fun about penny stocks sort of like waiting to get a Bingo while sipping coffee! Personally, I have no idea why you would be waiting for 2025 to do a PEA heck from there another 1-2 years for the PFS then another 1-2 again for a FS. Heck we are getting into 2028 before start of construction even if it is found to be economic.
By then how many shares will be out there 1/2 billion plus? Unfortunately, as I see it waiting to 2025 is a negative on the share price as it means management may not be all that positive as to the economics at current gold price! Again just a thought!
So where are we? Well pretty much in the same place Victoria Gold was many years ago dilute dilute and more dilute until the Gold Price catches up to the company rather than the company performing at the gold price. Many of you may recall Victoria being at $1.20 plus many years ago when they were at this stage and now 13 years later they did manage building a mine but once the 15-1 share consolidation is factored in they are lower today as a miner than they were as a development stage company!