RE:RE:RE:Eric is good with throwing more money away You keep going back to "surface rights", which is a non-issue at this point. So the company is negotiating a new agreement. That is because the old one had an expiry date, which is true of all agreements with explorers. It is a simple matter of being allowed onto the property to drill. There is no reason why the company would not be allowed onto the property in the future since they are the owners of the minerals rights and their job is to explore and drill (and the fee is usually a few thousand dollars).
Also, the surface rights owner cannot "sell" the mineral assets to GoGold or another company since they don't contractually own them.
In the extremely unlikely scenero that surface rights were not extented to Stroud, they still have mineral rights to sell the property to whoever they want to.
As far as throwing in the towel, even the most promising explorers with big drill programs right now are trading down in the dumps due to this lousy junior exploration market. That's across the board and not just with Stroud.