Evolve is a mystery to me.Everything points to them having serious technical performance issues and yet they issue NR after NR announcing new contracts.
Their sales are growing and so are their losses. The market is valuing EVLV 7 or 8 times higher than XTRA.
Is it just the NASDAQ listing and NASDAQ’s much higher valuation of tech companies or is it their very substantial institutional investors?
https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/EVLV/holders?p=EVLV Regardless what the problem is, maybe XTRA would serve its shareholders best by selling itself / merging with to a cash rich entity. This plugging of cashflow holes $10 Mil at a time is clearly not the answer.
XTRA imho needs $50 to $100 Mil to put it on a solid growth path. One way to do this aside from selling out is a 5 or even 10 for 1 consolidation, a US financing and a NASDAQ listing.
Fire away and come up with a better plan :-)