RE:Coconut tree needs to be shakenecolo101 wrote: Caisse de dpt and Hydro Quebec are major shareholders. Why are they tolerating this 3 years down trend. From$30 to $12.
should the company initiate a share buyback program? Instead of just collecting the paycheck what are these upper management ideas for shareholder value?
can someone shake this coconut tree a bit to turn around this bad trend?
glta because so far it is depressing
Just because the Caisse and Hydro own it doesn't mean much to me. A few years back I owned a big chunk of Stornoway Diamond before they even went into production. Looked like a promising endeavor. A couple of billion was sunk into that. It was owned mostly by the Caisse and Banque Nationale and a huge chunk of the investment came from the quebec government. I don't remember exactly the amounts. Well the mine didn't produce at a profit and it had to be shut down. I lost 100%. The quebec government lost over a billion of taxpayer money. Down the drain. I have no faith in quebec projects funded by taxpayers. Too much incompetence and corruption goes on every time government or government institutions are involved.