RE:RE:RE:the market is starting to wake up to the BNE Montney assetThe Cardium versus the Montney are different in the aspect BNE has ability to vary capital spend in Cardium.
The reality is the high drillling Cardium companies over the last 3 years are having to step out further and further from their sweet spots or they try find a new one like YGR.
Obsidian for example just started in cardium again after quite a long break and results of the well will be fairly interesting. OBE has drilled up alot of crimson lake and now has to drill in East crimson. This current well is in east crimson and will tell alot about what area holds.
They tried a well in 2022 in esst crimson and after 16 months it is 22350 barrels of oil produced.
Look at obe's presentation...Peace River is talked about on slides before cardium.
Best Cardium driller seems to be Ricochet....but an easy explaination on why. Those assets ricochet are drilling on in the cardium had so little drillling done by ARC in years. From 2020-mid 2022 was like nothing done.
But Ricochet seems cautious even with the sucess they have had, they have no drilling rig working in July and August so far.
Saturn is likely to have some intial sucess with ridgeback cardium assets they recently bought and will start drilling on.
If the montney ever worked iike it should, only need 6-7 wells to grow nicely.
Think every company is pushing hard in cardium to get per well costs down. Really mature for alot fo companies.