RE:3 issues: Communications, marketing and sales I think you bring up good points and I think we will see many of those points being addressed. However, the issues seem to be a double-edged sword. DM seems to be damed if they do and damed if they don't with retail investors.
I don't think the finacials are as bad as people make them out to be when you consider this is a microcap company growing three verticals, where each vertical is a company in itself and could be listed seperately.
I believe spinning out MediCall is an answer to your concern in that department. They can reduce the number of shares in the spin out by however much they need in order to raise money and pay for an agressive ad campaign and go on to acquiring additional businesses if it makes sense and expand the company.
As for DMEVS, much of that is not in their hands. They have the product, but they must wait for governement approval in many cases. This definitely slows down the process and lets face it politics will play a major roll. All these governments in North America talk a big talk in getting EV chargers out to the consumers as soon as possible, but at the same time they slow the entire process down through their own bureaucracy and most likely corruption. I hope it's not true and everything is on the up and up in the EV world of charging stations, but it may be that some these companies are greasing the palms of some of the corrupt politicians to get their company's chargers out there ahead of others. I guess we'll see as time goes on.
As for AnalyticsGPT, it's just getting started as they didn't have the ability to commercialize it until now. In a Discord over a year ago Marshall mentioned that they would not get control over their AI product developed with the government for commercialization until October/Novermber of 2023. Well, it looks like they are ahead of schedule on that one.
DM has reported their financials the same way every time and still people on here seem to expect different. And if they were to report it the way some are requesting it, they will still continue to complain anyways because they changed it. It makes no difference.
And then we have complaints in regards to cash position. Again, let me point out that this is a company building three verticals. The burn rate doesn't look all that bad when you take that under consideration. And it takes money to advertise and do all the things investors want to see this company do, but the investors don't want to see any additional burning of cash. Well, that doesn't make any sense. You can't have your cake and eat it too. It takes money to make money. But you also do your advertising at the right time. There's no point advertising AnalyticsGPT when it's not ready to go yet. I think some investors are imagining a prerelease ad campaign like Apple does on their products, but DM is not a well known company with many products to fall back on. That would be a waste of money.
The company will need to spend. There are always costs to the company before you'll see profit, but I think DM has taken a measured approach to this issue and not getting too far ahead of themselves like many companies do. Tesla took 17 years to turn a profit! DM has been at their AI development and research for just over 10 years. This is still a microcap company with cash in the bank (though not much) and no substantial debt. What would have been the costs to the company had they developed that AI all on their own?? Now DM gets to reap some of those benefits from that collaboration. The company is just turning the corner now, so give it a chance, especially if you've been invested in it for many years. If the product is as good as we are lead to believe then sky's the limit.