Siguiri Basin in Guinea The Australian explorer Predictive Discovery's stock price is recovering and now has a market capitalization approaching $400,000,000 CAD. In 2020 this company had a value close to $0, until its first discovery on the Bankan permit in Guinea. This permit borders Kiniero and its gold structure extends to the south, crosses the 6 Robex/Sycamore permits, and more...
With Bankan (Predictive Discovery); Kouroussa (Hummingbird Resources); Kiniero (Robex); and the discovery at Gaoual in 2022 by artisanal gold miners, the Siguiri basin has the potential to become the most prospective sector in the world. The scarcity of world-class gold deposits means that big companies have to look into them.
For Robex, the acquisition of Kiniero required months of negotiations and since then the company has been completely restructured in order to welcome this new gold mining project and in preparation for this important phase of growth that will follow.
This appeals to long-term investors, not to be confused with those who hold onto their stocks for a long time.