+222% in 4 month and it's far from overDRX was trading at $2.25 on May 8th.
Fast forward 4 months and it's at $5.A 222 % increase.
This company is only starting to be discovered by investors.
It will earn north of $1 this year.
I expect some consolidation.There will be profit taking.
But it should be short live because of the eye opener of the Q2 results.
I will say it again, ADF group is a very different company than what it was because of
it's automation.
Prior to automation and prior of having so much contracts to bid on,DRX was accepting
lower margins project to keep the mills busy.
Now, they have leeway in chosing on what they want to bid on.
Make no mistake, if you are willing to keep your stock and not succumb to take you
short term profit, you will be rewarded big time.
This will be a $6+ stock and i am conservative in my projection.
This could very well be a $7 or $8 stock in 12 months.
Staying long